I was able to learn many ways to improve my biometric levels and reduce my risk in just 5 short weeks from Real Health Solutions. I went into this alternative standard program just looking for a lower rate on my insurance premium, but got much more out of it. I not only learned how to improve my cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, but was even able to reduce my medications and have made a new goal to eventually get off of them completely. Thanks Real Health Solutions!
Not only did Real Health Solutions help me quit tobacco once and for all, they were able to show me the way that I was eating was causing a massive elevation in my triglyceride level. I had no idea how easy a few small nutrition changes would be to make, but they were able to show me how to achieve this lifestyle change. My doctor told me that he would have to put me on cholesterol medications to lower my triglycerides at my annual preventative screening, but thanks to the education I received from Real Health Solutions, that will no longer be necessary. I am so thankful my employer has hired Real Health Solutions to help me and my fellow employees improve our quality of life!
My wife and I both participated in programs with a Real Health Solutions couch and were able to greatly reduce our diabetic medications. We have both had diabetes for over 7 years but never truly understood the changes we had to make to reverse this horrible disease until we worked with Real Health Solutions. The wellness coach we worked with was able to explain things in terms we could understand and made it easy for us to make one small change at a time that eventually led to completely changing our nutrition in only a few weeks. We honestly could not believe how much lower our blood sugars were able to go and how much weight we were able to lose. We are continuing to learn and make improvements in our nutrition every day and have decided to continue to work toward the goal of getting all of our diabetic medications removed completely. We would have never gotten here without Real Health Solutions!
Donald and Tammy
Initially my husband was very reluctant to talk to Real Health Solutions. However, once I finally talked him into doing a program so we could get a discount on our health insurance premium, he was very impressed with the wellness coach's knowledge of health and wellness. He went into this program thinking it would be a waste of time, but actually said he was impressed with how much he learned from the wellness coach. He has made several changes in his nutrition and exercise and was able to greatly improve his labs and blood pressure and even get some of his medications removed from the many that he takes, which both of us and his doctor were happy about! He stays in touch with the same coach he worked with even though his program is complete and occasionally will call or email with questions and the wellness couch is always responsive and helpful.
My wife and I have struggled with diabetes and being overweight our entire lives. We enrolled in a program with Real Health Solutions to achieve our biometric incentive due to the fact that we failed our employer's biometric parameters. We have tried every diet on the planet and have lost and gained weight so many times over the last 20 years that we had just given up. The wellness coach from Real Health Solutions was able to help us actually understand nutrition in a way that we never had before. Our eyes were opened in a way that enabled us to lose more weight than we ever have before and we still continue to almost a year later! We were able to both reduce our HGBA1C levels and insulin doses to the point of where our MD may completely remove insulin from our medications all together! Real Health Solutions has truly given us a second chance at life! We feel younger than ever and are so happy that our employer offers such a great opportunity to us and our fellow employees!
David and Cynthia
After completing a program with Real Health Solutions I have a much more thorough understanding of how my nutrition was impacting my cholesterol and blood sugar levels. I have struggled with diabetes and high triglycerides for over 10 years and finally have been able to get my levels under control to lower my risk of complications. I am so thankful that I now work for a company who cares about my health and offers such a great program to me and my family.
It was so nice to be able to have the support of such a knowledgeable coach to help me finally give up smoking for good. I have tried quitting so many times in the past on my own but failed every time. The many techniques that Real Health Solutions were able to share with me were so helpful. I have been smoke free for over 6 months and cannot ever imagine using tobacco again! I sleep better. I have more energy. I feel better all the time!
In less than 6 months of being employed with my new company, I had an MI and required coronary artery bypass surgery. All of my coronary arteries were completely blocked. Aside from the time I had to spend in the hospital, time off of work, the tremendous strain it put on my family, and the physical toll it had on me, I decided I never wanted to go through this horrible experience ever again. In the months it took me to recuperate my strength I worked with a Real Health Solutions coach, who was able to help teach me ways to lower my risk of heart disease and keep my cholesterol levels low. I only wish I would have worked for a company that had a program like this before so that I could have prevented this from happening in the first place. Thanks to Real Health Solutions, and my new employer for providing this awesome service, my family and I will hopefully never have to go through such a traumatic event like this ever again.
In just 4 months of completing a program with Real Health Solutions I was able to cut my triglyceride level and LDL level both in half. I nearly doubled my HDL or good cholesterol, and lost over 30 pounds! My doctor was so impressed because he has been my primary for 13 years and has never seen such a dramatic change in me and such a reduction in risk. He encouraged me to continue working with Real Health Solutions and told me I was fortunate to work for a company that provided such a great wellness program. I agree!
"We initiated our relationship with Real Health Solutions 2 years ago and saw an 8% reduction in our total population risk score in the first year and no increase in cost from the year before. This was a substantial change from the increase in yearly health care cost that we saw as a trend in our previous years. We not only view the savings in health care expenditures as a triumph, but the increased health, happiness, and productivity of our employees as well. This year we are seeing almost twice as much employee interest already and are speculating even more reductions in risk and cost for next year."
Foundations Health