Customized health and wellness plans, tools and resources.


Our Services

We deliver customized population health management resources and tools that support outcome based maintenance of health and ensure appropriate care for your employees. Our comprehensive approach to population health provides you with population health diagnostics and measurable results.
Health Solution Services Wellness Incentives Individualized Plans Case Management Contact Us Wellness Program Management Disease Management

Wellness Program Management

Our wellness administrative services allow you to customize programs for your employees while giving you the tools to effectively manage wellness compliance, biometric screening results, incentives tracking and premium discounts. We’re proud to offer custom reporting, automated notifications, employee portals and direct payroll feeds which remove all data entry.

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Wellness Incentives

We promote offering wellness reimbursements to employees for gym memberships, weight loss programs, and fitness classes to increase participation in preventative lifestyle choices.

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Individualized Plans

Everyone is different. Similarly, the ways they make decisions about their health and health care are different. We adapt what we do to meet individual patient’s circumstances with regard to cultural, social and economic differences, insuring the advice they are provided is understandable and address their unique needs.

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"44 percent of employers agree they are able to offer lower health insurance premiums as a result of their wellness program, and six in 10 (61 percent) agree they have a healthier workforce as a result of having a wellness program in place."

"The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism." The Impact of Wellness Programs on America's Workforce. 

Disease Management

We identify employees with health complexities within the employee population. We then provide advice, teaching and instruction to these employees, in addition to relatives, and others involved in their care to ensure a consistent approach. This approach integrates identification with coordinated resources to address the underlying issues and bring about real change. We engage all available resources including their primary care physician, treating physician, carrier vendor tools, their family, community and other resources. We focus on moving a person toward better health and management of their condition through a team approach, along with education.

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"57% of people with high health risk reached low-risk status by completing a worksite cardiac rehabilitation and exercise program."

"What's the Hard Return on Employee Wellness Programs?" Harvard Business Review. N.p., 01 Dec. 2010. Source

Case Management

By identifying current or potentially high cost employees and leveraging appropriate resources toward addressing underlying issues the overall health of your employee population will improve while your healthcare costs go down. This is the goal of our integrated approach to case management. We combine identification of employees with coordination of all available resources including their primary care physician, treating physician, carrier vendor tools, their family, and community.

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"A comprehensive analysis of 42 published studies of worksite health promotion programs showed that companies that implemented an effective wellness program realized significant cost reductions and financial gains, including:
  • An average of 28 percent reduction in sick days
  • An average of 26 percent reduction in health costs
  • An average of 30 percent reduction in workers' compensation and disability management claims
  • An average $5.93 to $1 savings-to-cost ratio."
"The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism." The Impact of Wellness Programs on America's Workforce. 

Start making a difference for your company and its people.

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