Customized health and wellness plans, tools and resources.


Case Management

We have an integrated approach to case management. We combine identification of employees with high risk conditions and coordination of resources in order to ensure we are driving patients with difficult conditions toward improvement or appropriately structured care. By identifying current or potentially high cost employees and leveraging appropriate resources toward addressing underlying issues the overall health of your employee population will improve while your healthcare costs go down.

High risk employees are identified either by dollars spent or through our predictive model which is part of our data analysis system. We then provide advice, teaching and instruction to these employees, in addition to relatives, and others involved in their care to ensure a consistent approach. More importantly we work to coordinate the efforts of all care gives to avoid duplication of services, conflicting messages and make sure treatment instructions are carried out to avoid complications. As with disease management we engage all available resources including their primary care physician, treating physician, carrier vendor tools, their family, community and other resources.